liberal - conservative party造句
- In November 1926 the Liberal-Conservative Party changed its name to the Conservative Party.
- He served as president of the Northwest Territories Liberal-Conservative Party from 1903 to 1905.
- Liberal-Conservative party members accused Haultain's government of being a " Grit hive ".
- Hey, a passionately centrist, middle-class, liberal-conservative party sounds good to me.
- Tupper led the Nova Scotia campaign for the Liberal-Conservative party during the Conservative Party in 1873 .)
- At March 1922 caucus meeting the party voted to revert to its original name of the Liberal-Conservative Party.
- From 1871 onward, he was active in cantonal politics, being a member of the liberal-conservative party.
- He failed in an attempt to become the Liberal-Conservative Party candidate for Conservative in the same riding in 1887.
- It then reverted to " Liberal-Conservative Party " until 1938, when it became simply the " National Conservative Party ".
- To counter this, the EPP expanded its remit to cover the centre-right regardless of tradition and pursued a policy of integrating liberal-conservative parties.
- It's difficult to see liberal - conservative party in a sentence. 用liberal - conservative party造句挺难的
- The party's ideas are very close to those of the British Conservative Party, Swedish Moderate Party, and other liberal-conservative parties in Europe.
- The result was a confusing mess, and the bulk of candidates proclaimed support for the already governing Liberal-Conservative party, leaving the Liberals without candidates in many districts.
- In September 1868 he joined the Liberal-Conservative Party when the Anti-Confederation Party began to collapse, the first MP in Canadian history to cross the floor of Parliament.
- In light of his long service to Nova Scotia and to the young Canada, Churchill was appointed on February 3, 1871 to the Senate, representing the Liberal-Conservative Party.
- On September 20, 1867, he was elected to the 1st Canadian Parliament as a member of the Liberal-Conservative Party by the Dean of the House from 1896 to 1907.
- It was out of this coalition that the Conservative Party was formed ( then known as the " Liberal-Conservative Party " ), laying the basis for Confederation in 1867.
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